Friday, May 15, 2009

Found: 1 Soul Mate

A client of mine, emailed me recently to tell me he was getting married. He had met a Brazilian girl out in California and decided to tie the knot. I was thrilled for him! We had dinner the last time we were both in Rio and he told my wife and I that he had met a girl and was in the infancy stages of falling in love. Seems it came to fruition. I told him that when you marry a foreigner you get not only a wife, but a culture. We are celebrating twenty years of marriage this year, I hope his lasts just as long.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Getting the Most out of Rio

The trip, the plans, the is all futile unless you really make the most of your time and money. Reading guidebooks (and blogs like this one) and talking to people about their experience is one way to do it, another is to write a script and stick to it, as much as possible. Everything depends on what your priorities are, but Rio de Janeiro has a wealth of things at your disposal. Whether it is the physical attractions such as beaches, gardens, forests or hills, or the plunge into food and festivities as far as bars, restaurants and nightclubs, a simple checklist will help you set your priorities and maximize your vacation.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Never Want to Leave

You know that feeling you get on vacation, after you have been somewhere a few days and realize what a paradise it is, you never want to leave. I have heard this from so many people while they were in Rio. I admit to saying it a few times myself. There is something here that is indescribable, something so special, you just don't want to let go of it. I have had people actually follow through on this, and eventually move here from their own country. But beware, things are different when you are on vacation versus day to day living. As I said in one of my posts from another blog, if you have enough money and the right infrastructure, it can be paradise, but if not, it is sometimes a big headache.